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Maimeri Classico Oliemaling Primary Blue Cyan 200 ml 1 stk.


Maimeri Classico Oliemaling Primary Blue Cyan 200 ml 1 stk.

Superfine oil paint. The characteristic feature of these paints is their competitiveness and excellent quality/price ratio in favour of quality. The Classico range offers an endless assortment of yellow, red, green and blue shades with perfectly balanced drying times. The paints are made without waxes and additives with the ideal combination of...
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127 kr
Oliefarve Maimeri Classico Oliemaling Primary Blue Cyan 200 ml 1 stk.

Maimeri Classico Oliemaling Primary Blue Cyan 200 ml 1 stk.

127 kr

Produktkode: M0324400 | ID: 1147149

Maimeri Classico Oliemaling Primary Blue Cyan 200 ml 1 stk.

Superfine oil paint. The characteristic feature of these paints is their competitiveness and excellent quality/price ratio in favour of quality. The Classico range offers an endless assortment of yellow, red, green and blue shades with perfectly balanced drying times. The paints are made without waxes and additives with the ideal combination of modern and traditional pigments. Authentic cadmium pigments in concentrations of 20% to 25%. The colours are safe and stable.

  • Buttery consistency, quick application. Soft under the bristles of the brush, the fine milling lead to longer brush strokes, colours can be mixed to give clear and clean tones.
  • Colours produced without the use of any waxes or adulterations in their formulation. Bright and clear colours. Ideal for any type of application: in thick layer or glaze.
  • A perfect mix of modern pigments and those from Italian painting tradition (natural earth colours), safe and stable.
  • Metallic colours with authentic cadmium pigments in concentration between 20 and 25%.
  • White colours are dispersed in safflower oil to ensure lasting stability.
  • All other the colours in the range are dispersed in the purest linseed oil, enabling fast drying.
  • 90 % colours of the range have the highest degree of light-fastness.
  • Formulated to achieve a perfect balance of the drying times.
  • Average grain size of 5-10 microns





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200 ml


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Péter K.

hu Flag



Very good quality product for beginners, but also for artistic purposes. Nagyon jó minőségű termék kezdőknek, de művészi célokra is.

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